我的设施需要多少排水化学品 & 见效有多快?

我的设施需要多少排水化学品 & 见效有多快?

我的设施需要多少排水化学品 & 见效有多快?

You want your 排泄护理 products to be easy to use and to work as quickly as possible. 下水道维护不是你的主要角色或责任, 你们的设施人手不足, your day is packed from beginning to end; you just want the process to be as painless as possible. 但是你怎么知道它每天实际是什么样子呢?

自1911年以来, State Chemical has been providing chemical solutions to clients and training them in how to use these solutions. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道你的首要任务是管理好你的设施, 所以当你关心下水道的健康时, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站理解你想摆脱这些麻烦.

让您对澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的排水护理产品有一个了解, we will explain how much product you’ll need to use and how quickly it will work. After reading, you’ll know whether our services will logistically work for your facility.

排水管维修工vs. 排水管开启器:你应该用哪个?

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站讨论产品应用和速度之前, we must first establish whether you’re looking for a drain maintainer or a 排刀.

A drain maintainer is a chemical product that will regularly be released into your drain either by hand or via a feed pump. 它的作用是 预防性维护 措施 保持排水管畅通油、油和润滑脂(雾) 和其他有机物在它们形成木屐之前.

与此同时,一个 排刀 作为 a reactive 措施 clear drains once FOGs have already led to slow or clogged drains. 排水管开启器更加粗糙, more intense products that should only be used when you’re already experiencing problems, so you won’t use them as frequently as you would a drain maintainer.


如果你要找的是下水道维修员的话, 您可能担心经常使用它需要什么. The answer to this question will vary depending on your drain’s level of usage and the 您选择的排水维护类型.


如果你喜欢自己管理下水道维护, 你将完成人工排水维护, 这涉及到你 manually pouring a drain maintainer down your drains on a regular basis.

你倒的频率将根据下水道的使用情况而变化, 累积严重程度, 还有你的设施的大小. 例如, the kitchen of a large restaurant that experiences a lot of drain usage and FOG buildup will use drain maintainers more frequently than a legion hall that only hosts dinner once a week.

Usually, you’ll use eight ounces of our drain maintainers at a time. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议进行手动维护 至少两周一次, 这就是 每月至少使用16盎司的排水管维护剂.

同样,这将根据您的个人情况而有所不同. For a drain that sees a lot of FOGs, this maintenance could be as frequent as every day. But for standard situations, eight ounces every two weeks is a good rule of thumb.


对于自动排水管维护来说,这看起来有点不同. 自动化维护意味着您 使用进料泵定期分配您的排水维护器. In these situations, the amount of product used can vary drastically.

Feed pumps can be programmed to dispense as frequently as you’d like within a week. 例如, a restaurant could schedule their feed pump to dispense more on weekends to offset the higher drain usage. 然而, most facilities that use a feed pump will use between 10 and 20 ounces of their drain maintainer per day.


You’re probably most eager to know when the product will actually start clearing your drains. 同样,这取决于你选择的产品类型.


乳化剂 liquefy buildup so that it can pass easily through your pipes, and they’re remarkably effective. 如果你用的是乳化产品,比如 Grease-B-Gone, 它会在进入排水管后立即开始工作.

One thing to keep in mind with emulsifiers is that they do not continue working after this initial reaction. 在他们把堆积的物质通过你的管道排出之后, 乳化剂被稀释, 这些物质稍后会在下水道里重新形成.


与此同时, 生物排水维护器 are bacteria-based, and the bacteria needs some time to “activate” before it becomes effective. 生物制剂, 比如生态排水管道维护器, start to work within a few hours of entering your drain and reach their full strength after 24 hours.

这种等待期是不利的, 但不像乳化剂, 生物制剂在根治问题上更有效. 细菌会消耗下水道里的物质,并以此为基础生长菌落. 乳化剂到达下水道后停止工作, 细菌只要有食物来源就能保持排水管畅通 (雾). 即使你不再往下水道里倒生物制剂, the bacteria from before will continue working if conditions remain livable.


If you’re looking for a 排刀 rather than a drain maintainer, 你有同样的问题:你需要使用多少产品? 再一次, 这取决于你的开水管器是否 液体或颗粒状.


For a liquid 排刀, such as Drain Rocket, you’ll usually use the whole bottle at once. 例如,Drain Rocket一品脱装的欧米茄(16盎司), 所以当你用它的时候,你只需要把一整瓶倒进下水道. Do not use more than two bottles at one time, or you risk a violent chemical splash back.

然而, you won’t necessarily always use the whole bottle for a harsher product, such as 急停. 在某些情况下,你会用一整夸脱(32盎司)的牛奶 急停. 例如, 如果你的排水管尺寸是2-3/4到4英寸,使用一夸脱. 然而, 对于厕所,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议只使用一品脱(16盎司)的水。. 对于较小的排水口,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议只喝8盎司.

We know it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how much product to use for your situation. 出于这个原因, we highly recommend you contact State Chemical to assess your situation individually and help you decide what and how much to use.


同时,对于像 清除, 你应该 每次只使用一匙(20克). Clear Out comes in a 20-ounce bottle, so this will mean only using a little bit each time.

在任何情况下,这一数额都不应变化. Clear Out是一个强大的产品, and using higher amounts could put you at risk of violent splash back and chemical burns.


Now that you know how much of a 排刀 you may need, how fast will it clear your drains?


Liquid 排刀s like Drain Rocket and 急停 start working immediately, but you’ll need to give them a bit of time to sit so that they can work fully.

对于排水火箭,你应该让它静置15分钟. Then, flush the drain with warm water to ensure that it has moved fully through the drain.

与此同时, with 急停, if you’re using a full quart (32 ounces), let it sit for 10–15 minutes. 如果你用的是一品脱,让它静置10分钟. 如果你用的是8盎司,让它静置5分钟.

These measures will ensure that the 排刀 works as effectively as possible and will keep you and your pipes safe.


Granular 排刀s like Clear Out will also start working immediately, 但是和开液器一样, 他们需要时间坐下来充分工作.

After using 清除, let it sit for 30 minutes and then flush it with several cups of cold water. 如果这样做两次后水仍不清,请叫水管工. Do not attempt to use Clear Out again because you’ll risk chemical splash back.


When buying a 排泄护理 product, all you want is something quick and effective. Now that you know how much of each product you’ll need and how quickly it’ll work, 你已经准备好探索了 与国家化学公司签订一份排水保养合同要多少钱.